Trashing Brasil..

Last week was yet another religious festival here in Brasil, here you can see some of the after effects of it. Every year they have this so called festival and the mess just grows and grows. This you can see here, and this is only a small part of the street, has been there since the weekend. You can be sure it will just sit there, causing rats and other vermin to spread deseases and stuff and the catholics who put it there will do nothing about it. They live just across the road from this mess too, they saw me taking photos and ran inside quickly before I could get photos of them too. You can also count some of the students from the schools here in these fucking litter spreaders too, their fake and insincere smiles with their red tee shirts spread all through their orkuts, but we all know the real truth. They dont give a fuck about religion or their own country or they wouldnt have left this mess in the first place. Its not just in this part of the streets either, its all over the city whereever these people walked, a trail of filth and trash they didnt even bother picking up even though the mayor of the city has installed loads of trash cans all over the city.