Spies..I've been busy the last few weeks, no time for blogging with the semester coming to an end. I'll try to make more of an effort to get to posting more often. So as to the title of this post:
One of my old friends from an old school i used to work at told me the other day that my old boss, her director, has been spying on the teachers orkuts and other such things. I was amazed that the director would secretly create a false orkut account just to spy not only on the teachers but also on the students too. What kind of behavior is this? I'm so glad I'm outta there, I take my right to free speech quite seriously and wouldnt tolerate someone spying on me for no reason. Sad init? When I discussed this with some of the old students of mine they were just bowled over, they had no idea that their director was snooping on them. I think firstly shock, then anger filled them. But of course, they cant say anything because how can they prove it? After all, i know because a couple of people had emailed me saying that or private conversations online were being monitored. Not that I give a shit of course, if they don't like reading the truth they shouldnt go spying on people. It's no wonder half the fucking teachers fled their schools!! Poor old Marina and francisco, well poor actually I don't think so. They knew then and know now exactly what they are doing and what goes around comes around. That karma is a bitch and it's going to bite them in the arse! The best thing was then they decided to tell people they were spying on them and tried to get sympathy from the very same people they confessed to spying on. How fucking crazy is that? There is no work policy that restricts what people can write on their own personal webspaces and in any case, Brasil guarantees freedom of speech in the constitution, they have no write to illegally spy on workers or students and then berate them about it and then expect people to feel sorry for them because they spied on them in the first place. All I can say to them is, get a fucking clue and then get a fucking life!!! And I speak from experience, after having their sister try to shaft me at the syndicato, these people just don't have a clue, for them exploiting people for money is all that matters. I'll keep watching this story as it happens and report it here..