Death, childbirth and taxes... theres never any convenient time for any of them
- Margaret mitchell 1936
Okay my day is going really well at the moment.. although i have hardly any time to do anything thats not associated with the school lol. This morning my group and i decided to plan a small bbq at the school but it soon got out of hand lol. as soon as word got around we found that many students and teachers liked the idea of this so with my students in town to talk to the beginners groups we visited the classrooms and found that all groups wanted to take part. Nice isnt it? :-) So we have a couple of weeks in which my group will plan everything and then its all systems go and our little or now not so little bbq will take place. A BIG congratulations for my TT2 students who did this wonderful job for getting people interested :-) I think we are going to have alot of fun and on Monday i will talk with the director of the school about this party etc. Hmmm yeah i organised first and then left talking to the boss till later.. its a new approach to doing things you see lol.
Im trying at the moment to catch up on emails and also i have to email a couple of the students who are organising the list of things we need. Unfortunately the cell phone companies here in Brasil dont allow their phones to send text messages to other company phones unlike the british companies so i cant use text messages :-( They have some strange ideas here sometimes lol.. still i need a copy of the list so i can show it to the school to see if the bosses wanna help out a little although mainly the students will do 99% of everything. Funny though the students at the other school dont want to really take part in something like this.. but i am going to see if i can get the advanced groups maybe to do something, the movies or maybe visit a restaraunt just for a bit of fun. I know their is an english speaking one downtown so maybe i will give them a ring and see what they have to say :-) More on this later okay?
Let me see if there is some coffee in the kitchen lol
Yeah!!!!!!! we have some coffee lol. Great as i was in need of some lol. Oh i must remember to do some printouts. Let me find my floppy diskettes and just get the printer working lol ;-)
Okay all running. I need a few sheets printed out so that later on i can take them to the copy store to get a few copies for my groups. I have a few new grammar ones that i need to get done as i use them as extra material for the MEC students to stop the methodology from getting a little boring :-) I have a drawer full of photocopies now lol. I have to get one of those folders with seperations in it to store them all as they are getting everywhere now :-) But its nice just to do something a little different once in a while with them :-)
Tomorrow i have a bbq with one of the families of my students. It will be nice to get to meet a few people from their family as i didnt get to meet them last time around. Maybe ill get to ride on the horse again although i dont think that i looked much like John Wayne in the film True Grit lol. I like to go to these traditional parties as its nice to experience some of the things they do and i get to meet a few people and practice my portugues at the same time lol.
Hmm okay the printer isnt working properly so ill have to stop here so i can reboot the system. Tomorrow ill post about the bbq if it doesnt last all night long okay? lol