I'm nearly moved hahaha!!!
This week i have started to move my stuff to my new place so hopefully in a week or so i will be all moved in. This week was spent searching for a new cooker and fridge and they were delivered yesterday and now there is just a matter of moving the bed and table and stuff and getting it all straightened out and i should be finally ready to get settled in there. Of course Roberta is really excited as i will be just five minutes walk from her place so it means that we will have more time together :-). I must get around to taking some photos as soon as i can lol.
i spent this morning giving class here and i also got asked to teach again at sobradinho with these new classes, i was a little hesitant at first but they are my old MEC group and i wanted to help them to finish all of their course and its just for a couple of months so i said yes. Plus it'll pay for some new stuff for my place and some money to go towards a vacation later in the year with Roberta :-). It'll be fun to try teaching this new style of lesson and i know the group will love learing alot quicker, master students can get a little bored sometimes so the speed will be a good challenge for them all :-). How many of these types of classes i will get i dont know, but they will have to keep the four idiots under control while i am there as i wont tolerate the crap i had to put up with of this dopey cleaner and secretaries this time around. We will have to see how it goes i guess right? lol
i think that its going to rain here before i go back home, i was sort of hoping that it would at least hold off until i get to planaltina but i dont think i'll be that lucky. Plus my cell phone is flat so i cant text Roberta but luckily i can use the Claro website to send messages for free :-).. So i'll go do that now hahaha!!!!!
Oh the picture i posted last time, from some new Mel Gibson film about christs life, looks like something out of Hellraiser to me though.