What do we see here? Two of Brasils most evil devils? Well one of the has been vanquished to be replaced by some fucking ex-Nazi but in his time he killed millions of people all over the world with his evil religious rhetoric and left millions more suffering and dying from HIV and AIDS in Africa and other dirt poor countries that the Catholic Church thrives in.
The other on the right is Severino Cavalcanti, who is in charge of the house of deputies in Brasil. Another evil little man with rich powerful friends who looks after himself and his family first and doesnt give a toss about anything else. He was recently accused of nepotism after giving his son a well-paid job without him first having to go through the concurso like everyone else.
Just look how happy they were, hugging and kissing, probably laughing about how much money the two of them made from poor Brasilians. Just one more reason to hate the Catholic church and all it stands for and Cavalcanti? Well hes just another loser making it big from misery in Brasil. Its no wonder so many religious leaders from all overt the world go to places like Africa, Brasil etc. Its an easy way to make money for your new condo in Miami or your new high powered sports car. Makes me wonder whether i should open a church myself but the difference between them and me is that i always feel bad if i see someone suffer because of something i've done whereas these guys just dont give a flying fuck!!