Im just passing time here and preparing some stuff while waiting for Roberta to finsih her exams here. Im in the middle of preparing words here for my MEC groups, most people always think here that all bad words are swear words like shit etc that give offence and i like to show that not always is it these obvious words. Unfortunately some obnoxious FAT ulgy woman in the teachers training who had a little bit of education in a uni tried to say this to a room full of teachers but i wasnt going to bite just for her amusement lol. After all there is an expression for people from uni's we have that goes like this.. A little learning can be risky but a lot of learning can be fatal. It showed me one thing though, that i wont wanna attend any more trainings with the teacher from the other schools, i think their ideas are so different from mine that we have nothing in common. Man, i never realized i was so radically different in my classroom techniques hahaha!! No wonder my groups always ask to study with me semester after semester, After all stagnation in the classroom wont encourage the students to think for themselves, to look and find out things for themselves because they want to and not because some teacher tries to force only the things she wants them to learn onto them in a classroom. Hopefully my students will always continue to feel inspired to find out question everything and never take everything on face value :-)
I'm listening the the songs from Avril Lavignes newest cd from her website. I havent had time to listen to anything from it yet apart from the couple of songs she has released and its really impressive. The songs are alot more mature this time around and the lyrics seem alot more forceful. My students will love listening to these in the lyrics classes i give for them :-) The songs Together and How does it feel are really powerful, i'll definately use these in class with my teenagers.
This weekend i dont have to go to the other school so im not sure what we are going to get up, something interesting i hope. I know there is a rock festival this weekend but due to a major screwup in my wages i wont have the cash to get over there. Im sure me and Roberta will think of something to do, i have a pile of clothes to iron hahaha!!! Looks like it'll be video and popcorn time again :-)
I'd better go and get this stuff printed off before we go to get some lunch otherwise it wont be ready for when i need it..