Its all working :-)
As you can see everything is now working, as far as i can see lol. I guess they must have sorted out whatever problems they had with both Bloglet and also Tag-board so they are both working properly now :-). I?'ll try to add links etc for the stuff i use at the bottom of my weblog later in the week. I have been meaning to do it for a while just to give a bit more colorful credit to the sites that i use to create my weblog but just havent found the time but i will as soon as i can find just a bit of time okay? :-)
I'm supposed to be getting some excercises corrected at the moment but just cant bring myself tyo make a start on them yet lol. Ill get them all finished over the weekend though as there is only a few of them. Maybe sunday i am going to go on a picnic with the guys.. will post more on that if and when it happens :-). Also this weekend i must try to get around to looking at some furniture for my little palce. I picked up some leaflets etc the other day and had a quick look through them but have a few more place to look at too before i can decide on what i am going to buy :-). A coffee machine is a must of course as well as getting some bed clothes and sheets etc. Im toying with either getting a computer with tv card and dvd so i can use it for all those things or just a tv and dvd player. Trust me they are all expensive here no matter what i decide on buying lol
Right i must get myself off to bed.. so its goodnite from me..... Again lol