Only one more day to go :-)
Just one more day and im on vacation, thats just great as i get four weeks off from work to spend doing whatever i want for a change lol. Alot of it i think i'll spend with Roberta if we can get the time. I am going to visit her parents farm after xmas which will be nice :-). Also i have to try making a start on some portugues lessons, i think that i can get Roberta to give me a hand with this though :-). For my naturalization i have to speak and write in portugues so this is number two priority at the moment.
Anyway im here suffering at Sobradinho in this bloody heat, theres no one here at the moment apart from the idiot dipshit cleaner and the three...... well i use the word secretaries just because i cant think of a foul enough word for them right now lol. I have to give extra class today and then tomorrow a normal lesson to my TT2 group and then i am finished and i wont ever have to step foot in this place again apart from teachers training and stuff. I'll be FREE.. FREE.. FREE!!!!!!!. Today is really just to get my students up to schedule so that on saturday they cant ask me to come back to give any more xtra classes and stuff. There is also another reason too... my job is simply to finish the lesson plan now and by saturday it will all be done. But of course there will still be all three exams to give and there will be no one here as all teachers will either have left the school or be on vacation lol. So who will give these tests?.. yeah u guessed it the dopey secretaries hahaha. They have had no methodology training so they are going to dtruggle their arses off to try giving the tests and all the while my students are going to be giving them hell about not getting it all organised. For me though, personally i can see the funny side to this hahaha. I'll encourage my students to use their newly discovered bad english words to make the secretaries hurry along too if you know what i mean ;-)
Hmm for some reason my cell phone will not send messages to Robertas cell phone. It was working just fine earlier on but now its just refusing to send :-(. I hope that it gets sorted out soon, i think though maybe Robertas inbox on her phone my be full so that could be causing it. I texted her mom to ask her to tell roberta to have a look at her phone hahaha. Tomorrow after class ends we are going to visit the Parque De Cidade (Whenever i say this Roberta has fits of laughter, must be my accent i guess lol). we will be able to have a lot of fun there, usually there is always something happening at the park and even if not it'll be great to get to spend some time together as Roberta has been at her parents farm for the last few days so tomorrow will be catch up with kisses day ;-). Sunday will be movie day so maybe we will see American Pie 3 or something else. Roberta loves movies as much as me but really for the two of us it will just be to share some time together. We will get to spend most of the weekend together as i will have no more classes to give.. well apart from helping Roberta to study to take a test to jump over TT1 to pass into the TT2 group in Planaltina but i think that will be easy for her to do :-)
Hahaha my cell phone is sending messages, i guess her inbox is finally emptying lol. Give me a second or two here okay? :-)
im just downloading direct x here as someone has been deleting it from all of the computers. I cant understand why they have done this as alot of program rely on direct x. I guess it was probably one of the secretaries to stop the students installing games and stuff like Ragnarok that seems to be installed on just about every computer i can see here. In fact i am going to try it out later on after i finish this posting lol. My friends tell me that its very addictive so i am curious to see exactly how it plays and stuff. The other school still doesnt have internet yet, the modem is up and running now and i think they are waiting for the phone company to get it all sorted out now. I hope that they get it sorted for when my vacation time is over so that i can use the internet to pass the time away, well the time that i am not spending with Roberta as we try to spend alot of time together because of her returning to her parents farm alot during vacation time.
Oh i see they have settled on the design for the new trade center. it actually looks quite good although it will be few years i guess beofre we can see it in real life as its is planned to be the largest building on the planet. but someone will come along and beat it, it always happens. But do we really need all those high buildings, after all we have seen how easy it is to knock one down :-(. Still i will enjoy seeing it when it is built just to see if it is as spectacular as the drawing they have on the internet.
My god they really need to teach the idiot cleaner how to read as she just spent around ten minutes trying to find my folder, talk about having the brains of a gnat lol.
Time for me to get moving here as my students will soon be arriving :-) Have a great weekend okay? :-)