I'm struggling here to stay awake, there is nothing more boring than having to give exams to students. 90 mins of boredom even with a book or two to read. Thanksfully these are my last ones for a couple of weeks lol. I was going to correct them now but they cant find the correction key anywhere here so i'll end up doing them in Planaltina later on. Hopefully all of my students will pass so i dont have to give any extra reinforcement classes as its impossible for me to get here on any day apart from Saturdays
I think we will go to see Resident Evil 2 either mon or tuesday depending on whether we are going to visit the farm or not. I cant wait to see what nemesis looks like in the film. Also we wanna see Annaconda 2 just for a laugh. I think it shouldnt be too bad a film as the special effects in the first one were quite good, just Jon Voights slightly crazy french accent was a little wierd lol. The website for Res Evil is quite cool although takes a while to load as its got games and all sorts of stuff to mess with, best only if you have dsl etc.
I guess i had better go make sure they have all of my stuff ready for the exams now or the students will get here and god knows what stuff will crack off. plus i wanna call roberta too before her exam today to wish her good luck :-)