Nearly the weekend!!
Finally the weekend has arrived, well nearly hahaha!! i have just one more class today and then i can go to planaltina to spend the evening with roberta who will be giving extra classes :-). At the weekend we get to be together too which will be great as this week we have been very busy and grabbing just little bits of time everywhere lol. I think this weekend will be mainly studying portugues along with many kisses to make up for ones that i didnt get to give to Roberta in the week :-). As you can guess. Roberta loves kisses hahaha!!
Im trying to install a new version of media player here so i can watch films from online (Streaming ones) but it keeps saying that i have to upgrade lol. I`ll try again and if it doesnt work just try it on another computer. This computer had so much crap installed on it that it was so slow with the dsl that i dial up connection was quicker. Something the students had setup on the computer was dragging it down and whatever it was they were using windows sql server to send and recieve stuff from the net. I guess they were hosting something from here, i found some half naked photos of what looks like one of the teachers so i wonder if they were doing something with them hahaha!! Whatever turns you on i guess right? :-)
Well kazaa is very slow today, i have been waiting ages for it to download some movie clips here. ill get them from the other school as they have a lightening fast connection there :-) Ill use it to get some books from online though as theycanbe compressed onto a floppy or i can email them to myself and pick them up at the lanhouse next week :-) Im trying to find online copies of His Dark Materials as i read that they are excellent but i cant seem to find any copies of them online anywhere. I will have to maybe hunt around the internet and see if i can find a site that has the files hosted instead of using kazaa.
I had better go and make it look as though i am doing something lol