Well it looks like my boss here is sulking because i wont give classes apart from in the mornings this semester in planaltina. I got the impression from the phone call i got this afternoon that if i dont teach in the afternoons then there wasnt any need for me this semester, for me this is good and when i asked if i was going to be fired the implication was YES. For me this saves me the hassle of asking to be dismissed as i told people here last semester that this coming semester was my final one as i was moving house. I think the problem is that the boss here expects people just to work for him and no one else, for me though this isnt a problem. I can move cities easily and very quickly if the need arises and have a calm semester of teaching in just one school. I'll have to discuss with roberta and see what she thinks about moving earlier than we planned :-)
I was hoping the video store would have The village when i went this afternoon but its only due in tomorrow. I'll have to sit and watch Mighty Joe Young instead hehehe!! Wont that be exciting? I was toying with the idea of watching Catwoman too but i was told its shit, anyone else seen it yet?
This afternoon i spent an hour or so drawing a poster to use next semester. I was trying to think of other ways to liven up drills and read in a book about getting the students to try saying sentences in different ways, you know: happy, sad etc. I saw how a teacher made cartoons on the board and pointed to them to show the students to speak in whichever voice and thought it was great. My drawing skills are not great but i think my poster doesnt look too bad, i wanted a poster as its easier for me to carry to different classrooms and put away when its not needed. I'm sure it'll be good for laugh to liven up some of the drills as it can get a little boring doing them all of the time. Last semester i tried a couple of things but this book i read the other day suggests many things that can be experimented with. I'm raring to try some of them out now. I'd love to get a video camera in the classroom too, i think it would be a lot of fun to mess around with it when the students are doing drama or roleplays. The serious side would be that the students could hear how they sound when they are speaking english to help them with their pronounciation and stuff. I know there is a webcam in the school too, i wanna try to find somewhere we can use it to get the students practicing english with maybe some students from other schools. I wanna try out as many things as i can to keep the class as interesting as possible, well if i have the time. I think its all about having fun and the students having fun while they are in the classroom but making sure that the fun is always includes parts of the lesson they are having. Should be a fun time this coming semester.