Looks like its all working again :-)
Well i dont know why my site wasnt loading yesterday but it all seems to be working just fine now :-). Maybe they were doing something to the servers at Tripod.
This morning i am going to meet Roberta at CCAA so this is just a quick post as we are going to study together both english and portugues too. The school is open most of the day and evening too so it means i can use the lesson plans and stuff to give Roberta a hand to study for the TT1 test that she is hoping to take later this month or beginning of the next month. There are a few of them that want to try to jump from one level to a more advanced one, i think they ill all easily pass :-).
I made a copy of a book about english prepositions yesterday, i thought that my atudents would like to have a flick through it when they get time. Alot of them have questions about this so the book has many suggestions and stuff in it and excercises and stuff for them to test themselves. It cost just R$4 to get a copy which was great as the original must have cost R$20 or more lol. Nice thing about Brasil is that copying books here is a breeze with all copy shops doing it :-). I must have saved hundreds of bucks getting books copied since i have been here :-)
Getting text messages here lol, i use those things as much as i use emails now, plus they are easy for Roberta to let me know if she is going to be early or late on the bus here which is good as the bus station in Planaltina doesnt have many things to do if i have to wait lol. Watching drunken people throw up isnt very exciting lol
No emails from my family in the UK, i was hoping to get my brother to send me some stuff from the Uk, cds and stuff like that. Now he has asdl i can get stuff downloaded very quickly and posted over to me, nice :-). There are a few programs that i want him to download for me too that would take me hours to do here, for him would probably be just an hour or so lol. I'll email them again later on if i get time
Okay time for me to get my arse outta here and to the school so i can meet Roberta :-).