I have to install Kazaa again, i just looked up the price of some books on the net and man im not going to pay over R$100 for them hehehe! Kazaa is always good for getting free books and documents. There is always some nice kind person scanning books for others to use and print for free :-) Thank god for the internet. Being an English teacher here in a poor country like Brasil would be inpossible without some photocopied books or free downloads etc. Kazaa lite resurrection is just the job. It`ll also come in handy for the new Harry Potter book as i got all of them free from the internet using Kazaa too. Can u believe they are going to charge over R$100 for a bookthat costs just $7 in the UK? What a rip off!!!
This afternoon i am just going to sleep, i was up at 7am this morning and now im knackered lol. At my age i need all the sleep i can get! Plus there is some wanker that lives up the street who drives up and down the road at 2am with his fucking stereo on as loud as he can waking everyone else up, someone should take a BIG knife and cut his balls off, maybe he would have a bit more consideration for other people then. Ill sleep like a log until Roberta gets here.
Well Kazaa is finding some Cambridge stuff, good as this stuff tends to be really expensive here in Brasil. I wonder if i can actually get a user to stay online long enough for me to download it now hehehe! Oh i must remember to get some audio files to use in my class too, nice thing the school has a burner to make it alot easier and we use Neros burning as well. What more could i ask for? hahaha!!
Well i suppose i`d better get off here and do something..