A new toy lol
Im just trying to set up the atom stuff on my blogger, to be honest i have no idea how it works rerally so it'll be alot of trial and error until it works i think lol. It will be fun to see if i can get it all to work properly. At the moment i have to wait for it to finish republishing my whole website all over again and add the new files for the atom stuff. Gives me time to type a post i guess lol
Well i havent really had much time to post recently as i have been helping out at the school and also messing around in the lanhouse and helping Roberta to study for her exam that she is going to take next week. I am sure that she will easily pass this exam and jump to a higher group. Tomorrow we will meet really early so that we get to spend the whole weekend together and im sure we will find something fun to get up to hahaha!
According to my blogger i am having publishing problems, i dread to think what that means lol. i guess i must have got the settings for atom wrong somehow. I'll have to browse the help section and forum to see what i screwed up on lol. The only problem with my weblog is that it takes so long to republish it all as its so big. I'll have to go see whats wrong with it.
Catch you guys and gals later okay? :-)