Time to rest..
I'm here resting for a while before Roberta rings me.. from Sao Paulo lol. Her family are there visiting her grand parents and will return next week some time :-). Give me time to look around and see what i can buy her for valentines day hahaha!
Did my first day at the other CCAA today so guys and gals HI THERE if you drop by here :-). I just had my MEC 3 students on the phone wanting me to plan some conversation stuff that they can use themselves, i have piles of it somewhere but i'll have to dig it out as i have been preparing some of my stuff ready for the move near the end of the month. The problem is that most of the material they want to use requires alot of photocopying and stuff and a pc to play the sound files so they either have to do at the school or a house lol.
Man i'm starving so i'll go eat here, i think i have Roberta's alien inside me..(Dont ask lol)