Valentines Day!!!!!
Of course though this is only here in June but for me being british i get to celebrate it twice as we have this day in February. As you can imagine Roberta must be really pleased about this lol. I filled her phone with text messages this morning but as she is still in Sao Paulo no gift until she gets back hahaha!!
At the moment im at CCAA Taguatinga just having a break before my afternoon class of OM3. They have the internet up and running now which is nice as in the other school its still all screwed up. I'm looking on the net for some colloquial english websites so that i can prepare some stuff for my MEC2 group next class. They want to have a mess around with some informal english as they said they are only learning a formal version and i have loads of stuff that they can have a look through. Should make the class a bit more fun for them but i'll find some extra stuff for them too with a few swear words just for fun :-)
They have all the new films here too all downloaded onto the computers, i'll get them to copy for me so that i can use with my students on fridays. They love to get popcorn and coca cola and spend a couple of hours watching a film or two :-). Its good practice for them as well as they get to listen to just english (i make them turn off the legends hahaha!!). Plus Roberta will be back by next week and she loves as much as i do to watch films together :-)
I must remember to have a look at the teachers sites to see if there are any new activities for me to try out with my students. They have some great suggestions on some of the sites and i have had alot of fun trying some of them out with my advanced and MEC groups. They love to try out different things. I wonder how much stuff i can get the secretary to print off for me here? I'll just speak only english to them as they cant understand a word of it hahaha!!
Okay off to do something now before the students try to hog the internet lol