Well Bush has done it, a second term. I was suprised how well Kerry did though as i didnt expect him to get so many votes. i think people voted for Bush mainly because of his lets get it done personality. Once he has decided what he wants to do, he follows through with it and Kerry didnt give this impressions to me. anyway now we will get to see exactly what Bush will do about the worsening problem in Iraq and also about rumors i read in other websites about the USA economy slowing down too. I didnt get to see alot about it here in Brasil in the news as they only really concentrate with news about Brasil here and not really so much about the rest of the world. They have a sort of
We dont need anyone else attitude here which is why there are no English newspapers here. I think we will have an interesting next fours years, but it'll be more interesting for George W Bush.
They had to format the computer here this afternoon and reinstall everything all over again. Nice as while the guy was here i got to get some other software installed that i wanna use use as Publisher and also the latest version of Internet Explorer too so i can access my gmail etc. Mind you the connection is still slow here, maybe we shouldnt have changed it from the other one as that was always alot faster. I guess the school gets what it pays for, right?
One of my students from extra class told me today that she didnt like the fact that they never saw the directer of the school around the place. We dont ever see him apart from a few minutes in the teachers meeting with the directors. I'm not sure exactly where he gets to, but obviously some of the students want to see more of the owner around the place. Something to bring up at the next teachers meeting. Strange though the things the students wanna see here, I learn something new every week hehehe!!
Man, I'm starving here, i gotta go get something to eat lol