Tim cell phones are crap!!!!!
Brasilian cell and phone companies have top be the worst in the worst i have ever seen. I canty hardly get a signal or send text mesages and i pay R$100 for a contract with them. Come december you can be sure that i will cancel my Tim cell phone account because basically its shite!!!!!!. But do you think they will sort it out, of course not so long as someone is paying they dont really worry here lol. The normal landlines are just the same most of the time too. Real sad init? It really has to be the worst service that i have ever seen, even the cheapest phone company in the UK had ten times better service than this
Im in the middle of searching kazaa to see what sort of stuff is on there i can download and use in my classes. I saw a new enlish program for students today but cant remember the name so that i can look for it on kazaa and get it free. No problem though ill just get it from the paraguay fair next time i go there lol. I had to drag myself away as there were so many cds i wanted there i would have spend loads of money hahaha. Ill definately have to go again though once i have got the name of that program :-)
Theres nothing good on the tv here and i didnt remember to pick up a video too, still i got invited to a party tomorrow for a few hours so thats something to look forward to. I hope i dont have to do any dancing though as i am hopeless at it hahahaha. Ive been getting no practice at this brasilian dancing.. probably because i have two left feet hahahaha
Right time to get something else to stuff my face with and see if i can find a decent video to watch thats in english as most of them are portugues dubbed and you cant imagine how terrible they sound. Everyone has the same voice even the women hahahaha. Until next time.. Nanu Nanu ;-)