Just looking here at some brasilian sites for downloading films, they have all the latest ones but no ideas about how good the quality of them will be. I'll get my students to download some i think so we can watch them in class later in the semester. I watched most of them at the cinema but i can watch again with the guys, something different to do :-)
Apparently there is a guy coming to inspect the franchise here this year, november i think. It a certainty that i will get observed being a native speaker :-( I will just do an extra activity on this day just to see what the guy says to me hehehe! I dont think he will say alot though, if he does it will be just in portugues anyway so waste of time cause i dont really speak alot of that ;-) I am going to check out another methodology though later this afternoon if i get time. Some of my students are thinking of opening a small english school after they graduate and wanna find out about the many types of methodology they can use. Should be interesting. The company is called ALL, i am at the website now and asking them to send me some information and stuff. We will see what happens i guess, right?
Okay gotta go make some lunch for when Roberta arrives, i have no idea what to make though lol..