Our world is lost & stagnant
I had two great conversation classes yesterday :-). The first one i used some question cards i had adapted from some Tofl stuff ans all the students said that they really enjoyed them.... nice right? lol. The second one in the evening they watched a film called Minority Report which was really good and they all liked that too. The idea behind the video is to give students more contact with the english language. To study in a classroom twice a week isnt enough so i have been trying to get more conversation classes up and running and it looks as though they are beginning to pay off i hope :-). Hmmmm now i have to think of some more stuff to do with them lol...
One of my students Ariel has been discovering american and english groups and singers lol. Here they seem to restrict the amount of foreign music that enters the country to protect Brasilian music. They hear on the radio etc but to buy cds is hard so i will lend her some of my cds. Eminem and stuff like that will open her eyes a little, well if they understand the lyrics :-). I have to get some more english cds to use in class with the students and some english films as well as these work really well in the extra classes. Will have to see if my brother can buy some in the UK for me and post them to me
I got searched by the police last night on the way home lol. I got out of the taxi and walked straight into the Policia Civil who were obviously looking for someone and i had to stand there emptying my bag full of school and text books and have a body search too. Was a new and interesting experience lol. Having someone waving a loaded pump action at you is definately something that will not catch on as a new way to relieve stress ;-). They werent there when adriana got home so i guess they must have found whoever they were looking for or gone to try further down estancia.
I have to prepare some stuff for class this afternoon, hmmm what they are going to do though i have no idea yet. I think i might take an idea from one of the teachers and teach the class outside in the sun for something a little different but will see what the weather is like and how the students feel too and then decide i think. Oh the fun of being a teacher lol
Okay im off to do something and get ready to go downtown to have a look at a new pc store i discovered there :-)