Something interesting i found when i logged on tonite is that the american goverment have put 50 million documents from the national archives online for the public to view. i had a quick look just and the sites a little slow as i guess its getting a lot of volume but has alot of interesting stuff on it. You can visit the national archives at this link so go have a look okay? lol
We had such a thunderstorm here earlier on, wow the sky was completely black from horizon to horizon and lightening filled the air and was pretty intense lol. i love thunderstorms and how the air smells after it rains. although i am glad its over as now i can get online for a while. everyone here is watching the soap operas but i cant stand them and get bored with them very quickly so here i am on the net :-). even though it has rained alot its very humid here at the moment, i dont think it will cool down at all tonite not even if we have more rain. i will spend a little time though doing emails and stuff or they pile up as i have loads to reply to at the moment but just need to find time to get them all sorted out