I think my email link finally works lol, it will have to do for now as i will be going to eat lunch and get ready to go downtown. One bad thing about living here is that whenever i plan to do something downtown i have to remember to add 2hrs on for the travelling times so you can imagine how much time i must waste just to do simple things like go to a book store or to the cinema cant you?. It would be nice if they had some sort of train service that ran from the sat cities to the center of downtown. It will never happen of course, well not in the near future i think.
For some reason today my isp is so slow, it took me ages to get to alter the part of the html i needed to because of the connection speed. Its one thing i cant change with Wbloggar although the template itself i can :-) I have a bit of fine tuning to do to the code but ill do it over the coming week if i get time, its just to alter a couple of things that dont appear correctly. well they appear correctly but not how i want them to appear lol.
Anyways i had best go eat and get showered and go get the beautiful bus to Plano Piloto lol... Later guys okay? ;-)