Greed..Its sad to watch the Tv here and see some pathetic Brasilian govt minister demanding money for Brasil for this guy who died the other day after he fled from armed police causing them to think he was a terrorist and ending up dead. What is it with Brasilians and money? I think its so sad this guy died in the middle of a war (and yes its a war for those of you who havent woken up to this fact yet) and while we are still trying to get the facts this asshole minister is up on his box demanding cash? Many people have said that they were amazed by his attitude and that they think that although this guy died accidentally he shouldnt have just ran and tried to force him way in to a train three days after a series of bombings had occured. Brasil really needs to get itself some new ministers, i think this is what happens when people like Lula change things hre in Brasil requiring that people not speak the lingua franca for govt jobs and then they appear on tv spouting all kinds of bullshit that doesnt really help the situation in the least. I think the main thing is for people to look carefully at whats happened and learn from it and to try to understand why a person who is legally in the Uk with knowledge of the language refuses to stop for armed police and runs away resulting in his own death? Does this have something to do with the fact that people in Brasil are terrified of their own police forces? I think we have to accept the fact that this so called Brasilian minister needs to step out of the way so the truth about this very saddening episode can be uncovered to prevent it happening again..