Can you believe that this evil fucker had the gall to comment on the suffering of the injured people in the UK? Millions of poor Africans suffering because of his policies and not a single word against his inhumane policies there but he has the audacity to talk about the pain of the British public. Oh i had to write to this prick, luckily the Vatican supplied his email address on their site, it's
benedictxvi@vatican.va just in case you wanna email him too regarding his terrible guiding hand on the good ship catholicism. you can read a copy of my email to his unholiness below:
Please stop commenting on the terrorist attacks in my country, Great Britain. I'm shocked that you open your mouths to speak about our pain and suffering when you guys are killing millions of people all over the world with your stupid religious policies. Maybe you should try doing something useful instead of commenting about other countries by first putting your house in order. Its no wonder that in Europe your losing hundreds of thousands of your so-called followers everyday, we see the damage you're doing to the rest of the world with your wonderful ideas, millions dying in Africa and you guys just sitting there smiling and waving your god-damned crosses about while scraping up cash from dirt poor people to buy your flashy robes and stuff. You guys are so far out of touch with the real world that you cant imagine the pain of my country or my fellow countrymen. You cant even see the pain and suffering you're already causing or you can but just turn a bind eye in search of the cold green cash. You prefer to make comments about a airport-thriller but wont make any move to help save millions of people in Africa suffering from AIDS while all the time more and more people continue to die. You already lost this argument but you still continue to cling to it with some kind of sick, sad desperation. It's bad enough when the previous pope was here you were sat in the background pulling the strings with your idiotic religious rhetoric but now you've just got yourself into the job most people think you coveted for a long time you make things worse and worse. Leave my country alone and set yours in order first before you make any more of your hollow words that you accompany with crocodile tears..You can bet your bottom dollar he wont be replying to this any time soon..