Today turned out to be a surprise day as my ex-landlords decided that they would come to my job and ask me to pay for yet another water bill from the previous house we rented, 300% higher than normal again. Even though we had left the bill there for them to pay they didnt do anything and as a result of not lifting a finger for three months the water was cut off to the house and the new tenants have no water. Like this is my problem, we kept telling the landlords wife for over two months to get something done about the illegal connection to our house but she just laughed it off as nothing, Bet she isnt laughing so much now. They even had the fucking cheek to ask us to divide the payment with them, can you believe this crap?? How can they ask us to pay for water they know wasnt used by us in the first place? Lets hope that the new tenants learn fast about these people and move to another place. When I told them that we wanted the civil police to take over and deal with the situation they suddenly had a change of heart, I wonder why or what they don't want the civil police to find out and then ran back to their house with their tail between their legs. Sad init? How sad can people get, i wonder..