C'mon guys, you are faced with more and more people leaving the church because of how you run things and your priests running around abusing children while you cover it up and the best you can do to try to put your house in order is to complain about a book on a website, you generate so much publicity that Dan Brown much be thanking you in his prayers. Also there is no physical proof that Jesus even existed, or that anything in the bible is even remotely true and you guys have been using it an an excuse to con money out of poor people for ages while restricting your church to mainly rich people who want to buy their way into heaven. Why should you complain because someone else decides to too? Cutting into your profits right? I asked your friends at the Vatican why they are making suchg a fuss too but they don't like answerinf emails that criticize them. Face it, you're losing congregation all over Europe and can't stop millions of people from converting to other religions where they dont see priests praying in kids all the time and demanding 10% of poor peoples salaries. You guys need to get a grip, wake up and smell the coffee!!